Although home sleep apnea testing equipment has be utilized for a few years, it wasn’t until recent findings presented at the American Thoracic Society 2010 International Conference confirmed that patients that used the home sleep test showed similar improvements in their obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) treatment as did patients who had their sleep testing performed in an overnight lab.
Prior to the findings of this study, it was commonly thought that patients would have the most successful treatment if they stayed overnight in a lab, because they would be spending more time with a technician who provides education of OSA and the importance of its treatment, which would improve the patient’s compliance using the standard CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) device of their treatment once at home. Since many patients complain about the discomfort of the CPAP, compliance is difficult for many.
However, as this study found, of 300 patients who randomly either underwent their sleep testing in the lab or at home, 185 of them completed three months of follow-up treatment. The results of their OSA improvements using CPAP treatment where similar regardless of whether they had their sleep testing done in the lab or in the home.
The Manhattan Snoring and Sleep Center now offers home sleep testing equipment to qualified patients, and has found similar results as this study with its own patients who either under go sleep testing at the center’s overnight lab or at home.
A home sleep test is used only to diagnose sleep apnea, and obstructive sleep apnea is the most common type, as well as the most serious. It is caused by an obstructed upper airway in which soft tissue of the palate, throat or tongue blocks the flow of air as a person struggles to breathe. Since OSA symptoms can lead to severe health conditions, it is very serious and important that patients receive expert medical care and guidance. There are other physical causes of snoring and apnea, and since home sleep tests only diagnose apnea, a patient should have a thorough physical exam first to see if the test is right for them or if a different line of treatment is necessary. Even if sleep apnea is suspected, there are other factors that may make a test in an overnight sleep lab necessary.
Visit the Manhattan Snoring and Sleep Center website for more information about the home sleep test. If you suspect that you have sleep apnea or if snoring is keeping you from getting a good night’s sleep, contact us today to schedule an appointment.